Professional Sports Performance and Injury Solutions in South London and Kent
Professional Sports Performance and Injury Solutions in South London and Kent

Professional Performance and Injury Solutions

I provide expert sports performance advice and treatment of sports, and other injuries. Using my proprietary performance treatment method SPORTSystem I can help you recover from those injuries so that you can:

  • get up in the morning pain free
  • perform better at your sports
  • do your job without discomfort
  • feel stronger, faster, better!

Based on the treatment methods used in American professional sports for many years, my system works on all parts of the body:

  • shoulder
  • neck
  • back
  • hips
  • knees
  • elbow
  • wrist
  • feet

Even if you have been told that you cannot be helped in the past. Oh - and you don't even have to be a sports person to benefit. My satisfied clients range from 8 years old up to 88. I have helped professional footballers, rugby players, models, business people, dancers, martial artists, window cleaners, name it!


And I can help YOU!

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